Proper SEO

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Proper SEO Why is it important? In the internet age, the only true way for your business to thrive is to develop a strong and stable presence online. Most visits to websites are produced due to a search engine. Also, the top five results gain the majority of visitors. Therefore,…

Align Your Keywords to Your Prospects for Maximum Impact
Keywords Linear Flat SEO optimization, laptop, diagram, cloud, gearwheel, search icon and chat bubble vector illustration. Analysis, database statistic system, search engine optimize concept.

Align Your Keywords to Your Prospects for Maximum Impact

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How to Align Your Keywords to Your Prospects for Maximum Impact We’re going to get into the nitty-gritty of the importance of aligning your keywords with your prospects. And give you a system to achieve this, but let’s start out with a short illustration. There’s a local venue where all…

Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords
blogging flat

Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords

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The Digital Marketing Arena: Facebook Ads vs. Google Adwords   Oftentimes, businesses struggle to decide where most of their advertising focus should be, and which platforms will prove most successful. Central to the debate over advertising platforms is Facebook Ads vs. Google Adwords.   If you’re new to digital marketing,…